Stage 1 Water Conservation Measures go into effect every year regardless of seasonal weather patterns. These measures are in effect from June 1st to September 30th. The Village may, upon notification, impose further water conservation measures (Stages 2-4) as necessary and will additionally request the Regional District to inform their municipal customers accordingly.
The Village of Kaslo is currently in Stage 2 Water Restrictions
POLICY TITLE: Water Conservation Measures
The Village seeks to align Water Conservation measures with those of the Regional District of Central Kootenay given that unincorporated utility customers and municipal residents should receive clear, consistent information at times of shortage or drought. In a period of serious concerns with respect to climate change adaptation, the public is encouraged to take water conservation measures seriously and comply voluntarily.
1. Stage 1 Water Conservation Measures go into effect every year regardless of seasonal weather patterns. These measures are in effect from June 1st to September 30th. The Village may, upon notification, impose further water conservation measures (Stages 2-4) as necessary and will additionally request the Regional District to inform their municipal customers accordingly.
2. Public Works may, in response to complaints or observed non-compliance, plant Water Smart flags in front of properties to encourage initial compliance through a friendly warning that additionally alerts the passing public to the situation. This will not be done in unincorporated customer areas.
3. Conservation enforcement with respect to unincorporated customers shall be done through the Regional District of Central Kootenay with their cooperation and agreement with respect to actions.
4. As per municipal bylaws and powers under the Community Charter, Public Works may shut off the water connection to properties in serious cases of non-compliance after serving one written warning to the tenant/ owner/ occupant.
5. Water Conservation stage changes will be communicated by physical posting and social media/ website.
6. Activities and stages are described in the table appended to this policy. If Regional District of Central Kootenay conservation measures change, this policy shall automatically be updated by staff to reflect that change and shall be provided to Council for information and review.
7. Council or the CAO will review requests to vary or relax the restrictions in specific situations. Any approval will be issued in writing.
8. Serious noncompliance at specific properties within the Village may be partly mitigated by the CAO recommending to Council that a water meter be installed at the owner’s expense and the property billed at the appropriate metered rate going forward.
*If you find a Water Smart flag in front of your home, please consider it a friendly warning that you have been observed not to be following the conservation rules.