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The Village of Kaslo was founded in 1893 and is home to many buildings with fascinating history, including City Hall National Historic Site where present-day Council meetings are held and the popular SS Moyie National Historic Site.

The Kootenay Lake Historical Society operates the Kootenay Lake Archives which are located in the basement of the Kemball Memorial Centre - Hours & Contact Info.

The Village maintains a Community Heritage Register identifying structures of historic significance within the municipality's boundaries. These and other local sites are also listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places.

Much of downtown Kaslo is located in a Heritage and Commercial Core Development Permit Area, which ensures that new construction is compatible with the existing streetscape and that the heritage character of the area is preserved. The Village's Official Community Plan bylaw includes Building Design Guidelines and Colour Design Guidelines and details the requirements for development. 

Follow the link if you are looking for additional information about obtaining a Heritage and Commercial Core Development Permit.