Waste Collection

Municipal garbage collection is on Tuesdays. Your garbage must be out by 7:00 a.m. to guarantee collection but should not be placed curbside prior to 5:00 a.m. on collection day. If for any reason you feel that the contractor has missed you, call the office no later than 2:00 p.m. Staff will make every effort to contact the contractor but cannot guarantee a positive outcome. A printable pdf copy of the 2025 Garbage & Recycling calendar is available in colour or for printing in black & white.  


Bags must have an orange tag sold by either the Village Office or Kaslo Husky (Mohawk). The cost of a tag is the same as the tipping fee for a bag of residential garbage at the RDCK* transfer station.

*There is no minimum number of bags covered by taxes or annual user fees. You must buy tags for all garbage that you put out.

Village of Kaslo Bylaw 1119 Solid Waste Management 


Recycle BC blue bag/ container curbside collection is at no additional fee and is not funded through user fees or property taxation.  What Can I Recycle? - Recycle BC