Village of Kaslo Council, from left: Rob Lang, Molly Leathwood, Suzan Hewat, Matthew Brown, Erika Bird
2022 General Local Government Election Results
The 2022 General Local Government Election was held on October 15, 2022 and the following individuals were voted in to office:
Mayor Suzan Hewat
Councillor Erika Bird
Councillor Matthew Brown
Councillor Robert Lang
Councillor Molly Leathwood
The new Council began their term at the Inaugural Meeting on November 1, 2022.
Municipal Council
A municipality is a corporation of the residents of its area and the governing body of a municipality is its Council. Village of Kaslo Council is composed of a Mayor and four (4) Councillors who hold office for a four (4) year term. The Mayor is head of Council and, as noted in Section 116 of the Community Charter, is the Chief Executive Officer of the Village of Kaslo.
Council is a legislative (law-making) body with the responsibility for exercising virtually all legislative and administrative authority conveyed to the Village of Kaslo by the Province through the Community Charter, the Local Government Act and other statutes. Together, the Mayor and Councillors are ultimately responsible for establishing the policies of the Village, for ensuring the carrying out of those policies, and for the general administration of civic business.
How to Contact Council:
Constituents may contact members of Council directly, using the following email addresses.
Mayor Suzan Hewat
Councillor Erika Bird
Councillor Matthew Brown
Councillor Rob Lang
Councillor Molly Leathwood
Written submissions addressed to Mayor and Council can be mailed to:
Village of Kaslo - PO Box 576 - Kaslo, BC VOG 1M0
hand delivered to: City Hall, 413 Fourth Street, weekdays from 10-3
or emailed to:
Council Meetings
Regular Council Meetings start at 6:00 pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Council Chambers at City Hall (413 Fourth Street, Kaslo) unless otherwise noted. Remote participation is available via Zoom, and meeting videos are available on YouTube.
Agendas for meetings are prepared by the Corporate Officer, in accordance with Council Procedures Bylaw No. 1279, 2022 and the Community Charter. The deadline for submission of agenda items is noon on the Tuesday before the meeting. Groups that wish to appear as a delegation to Council should submit a completed Delegation Request Form, as well as a copy of their presentation, prior to the agenda deadline.
If there is a matter you wish to have considered by Council, please contact the Village office for assistance using any of the methods at the bottom of the page. Staff is available to guide you through the process.